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How to mine bitcoin for free

Cryptocurrency is spreading like a fire all over the world. People are making lots and lots of money without even doing a single work. They are getting paid in hundreds and thousands of dollars. It is very easy to start and you don't even need to spend 10 minutes in a day for this. 

If you also want to start your cryptocurrency mining journey then read this article fully to get a complete detail about how you can start cryptocurrency mining exactly for free. 

So cryptocurrency is future that we all know. Do you know what is the average amount of 1 bitcoin? It is almost $20000 and it is increasing day by day. So how can we start mining Bitcoin from now and start earning. 

Before you know how to mine Bitcoin, I have to tell you something that it is not quick process or a magic. You don't get millionaire in one day. You need to be patient and calm to get the result. if you are ready to be patient and want to make money then this is for you! 

The website we are going to see today is Crypto tab. It is one of the popular cryptocurrency mining website that most of the people use to mine Bitcoins. 

Before that make sure that you have a crypto wallet to receive you are bitcoin.

What is crypto wallet?

crypto wallet are wallet which is used to store our digital coins safely. It is like our physical wallet but you cannot touch. there are so many websites available to create and store our digital currency.

If you don't have one you can go to coinbase or metamask and create your own wallet to store your bitcoins.

Note: If you are mining in pc you don't need to do any work but if you are going to install the application in you phone you have keep activating the app every 2 hours. It don't take that much time to do so no need to if you don't have a computer.

Before we can start here is some reason to use crypto tab for mining bitcoin. 

1)It is FREE.

It is absolutely  free of cost. you don't need to invert anything to get started.  With just your email account you can actually start mining bitcoin for absolutely free. You don't even need to entry any credit or debit card details to mine bitcoins. If you are a beginner the free version is more then enough but if  you are looking to invert  the also have plans to increase your mining speed. The amount is also barrable. If you are ready to invert, it is also a good platform for you.  However, you are going to mine bitcoin based on your mining  speed.

2)It is LEGIT

This website is so legit. I have already withdraw some bitcoin which i have earned with this website to my coinbase account. It is so secure and trustable which is very important when it comes to bitcoin. Unlike other sites it very simple and easy to make and withdraw the bitcoins. Give it a try.

3)User friendly interface

Their design of their website is so simple and easy that even a beginner can understand it easily. You don't need to be an expert to do this. With some basic knowledge you can actual get started with this. The process of withdraw was super simple then other websites.

 Let's mine Bitcoin by following the steps 

Step 1: Click here

Click the link to reach the website directly.

step 2: Fill up the basic information in this website  and download the app or install the web application.

There you have entry a mail id to verify that you are a real human and install it in your phone or pc. It is available for both android and maac version so you can download it easily.

Step 3: Run the application.

Once you download it you can start to earn bitcoin for completely for free.  

Step 4: Withdraw bitcoins.

The minimum amount of withdraw is 0.0001 BTC. Once you reach that amount you can directly withdraw your BTC to your crypto wallet. 

How to withdraw from Crypto tab?

If you don't know how to withdraw, follow this. once you reach you minimum BTC, click "withdraw BTC". then you have to entry your coinbase id in the box and then click withdraw BTC. The a email will be sent to your email to verify. if you accept it then the bitcoin will be automatically transferred to your id within 2 days. 

If you are really interested in crypto currency and you want to earn some money online then start doing it by today. Bitcoin mining is some of the most profitable and easy eyes to make you huge money online. If you are consistent and patience, you can actually see a good results. It is getting bigger day by day so start trying out today itself. 

If you want a detailed article about how to make a crypto wallet you just let me know. It is very simple and easy process. 

Always remember this one quotes

"It is ok if you try and fail but it is not ok if you fail to try"

so try this to generate a income source with not spending that much time on it. 

If you want more know more money making ideas and digital marketing ideas just follow us. You will learn about crypto currency, affiliate marketing, email marketing, digital marketing and lot of money making ideas completely online. I hope you have learnt something to help you to improve your life a better one.

Thank you for reading.



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